
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Finally, the update I was waiting for (I mean, you might find it brilliant as well!) So far you could only export .csv files from the Timesheets/ Diary page. Now you can export Excel spreadsheets with all your payroll or other calculations already in the file. Similar to our Project Performance Report (PPR) but for diary entries.
2024-07-16 12_07_29-Timesheets · Kompass BMS
It was just a month ago that we have introduced the user defined fields for the Suppliers page. We were just preparing ourselves for the big announcement: You can now set your own fields under the projects page as well. No reason for placing all these extra data under the details field any more, have them under their own little boxes.
2024-05-30 06_31_50-Project_ 56492 · Serenity Stables - Live (Luna and Sons)
Here's a problem for you. You have your expense types all set like, accommodation, fuel, rent. But then your employees start recording their expenses and they are using non-billable expense types for billable works and vice versa. Suddenly, it's like a game of financial Whack-a-Mole. Fear not, we've got your back. You can decide which expense types are billable and which are not. And depending on your project, you will only get what you need.
2024-05-28 19_12_40-Rent (2) _ Change type _ Kompass API Admin
Did you know you can fine search your projects with our collection of key words? Yes you can and here are all your options: What you didn't know though is that you can now save those searches as a filter set so that you'll have them handy when needed. And you can create as many as you like.
2024-06-02 09_11_44-Projects · Kompass BMS
That feature took us some time to prepare and we are so pleased that it's finally implemented. You now have the ability to create new fields under the suppliers page, available just for your organization. We are aiming to start introducing this feature on other pages as well, allowing you to separately record lot and parcels under Project, fax and middle names under Contacts and any other field you might want to add.
Were you struggling with the small avatar-like sized photos of the employees? You can now click their picture and a larger version of it will appear.
You have a project with a long list of proposal items and tasks. There are lots of comments dropped under each one of them and up till now, you could only view them by opening each one of them. Not anymore! A comments hub can be found at the bottom of the "sales" and "operations" tab of each project. They are listed in chronological order and can be filtered by Proposal Item / Task.
Prior joining Kompass, you might have used your own protocol on how to name your projects. We can now automatically recreate it for you. Decide how you would like to number your projects and it will be seen under the Project ID.
A new great addition to Kompass is allowing you to batch edit tasks. Also, close any old tasks so that they will not list at your drop down menus when recording timesheets or adding them on schedule. Full article here:
Are you using any proposal or invoice templates with Kompass? Word documents they are, tailored to export according to your need. Now, you can also export XLSX report templates. Initially just for Projects Performance Reports and soon to expand further. This should fix issues with the current way Excel core spreadsheets work.
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